
Cliff, I think your bottom portion is on to something. I doubt the bill was a sham but perhaps. I definitely think this is an unmitigated mess but I am not sure the aparty leaders care as much as hey profess.

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I have a slightly different take on passing the Ukraine funding. I believe (could be wrong) that there were a bunch of Republican Reps who thought that securing our Southern Border was a higher national interest than securing Ukraine. The first should be a no-brainer. I support the second. Turns out the Republican House did not have the clout to cause the Administration to reverse course on the Border. by the way, what is the Administrations long term goal in keeping the Border open. Is this just to reverse what the previous President did or is this for some other case?

As an aside, I think the so called Senate Compromise Bill on our Border is a sham. It puts off building the Wall until 2028 and allows for 1.8 million illegal aliens (will I get suspended for three days for using that term?) a year.

While we are ignoring the Southern Border, periodically the FBI Director, Mr Christopher Wray, goes to Congress and warns about threats. Is that real or is he just doing it so that the Administration can, after the fact, say, "We told you."

Yes, it is odd that Mr Trump has such sway with some of the sitting Members, given that he couldn't pull more into the House in 2022. I don't think it is a good direction, but it may reflect a deeper split ion the Republican Party, one I observe up her in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Before Mr Trump descended the Golden Escalator there was the Tea Party. And after the flag is folded over his coffin that branch will still be around. The Republican Party is not, like the Democratic Party, well disciplined. There is no "three line whip" phenomena. Perhaps, if there was a Republican President and Senate, with more goodies to give out, things would be better.

Regards -- Cliff

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