If immigration is that bad, isn’t any move an improvement? If things mean shutting down everything to get a deal, you would rather to have no deal? No deal better?
Yes, it is bad but no one ever gets 100% so take a step forward to address it. They do not understand politics if they think they will get a better one.
But they had a deal on the border that a conservative Republican negotiated so why did they reject it? Sorry but I don’t buy it. Truth is they are anti everything.
As I tried to say, it was a dubious deal. Delay in building the wall and 1.82 million illegal immigrants a year. That is a lot of folks. Up here in Massachusetts it is having a big impact. We run out of SNAP (food stamps) benefits in May, a month and a half short, as we cope with the homeless and our share of illegal immigrants. I hope the General Court can cough up the extra money.
Don't get me wrong. I want us to give Ukraine the needed money. Now. But, I understand, at some level, that the Republicans in the House feel they have few tools to get the border fixed and the supposed bi-partisan Senate Bill does not do it, as I wrote to my Senior Senator, but she hasn't written back to me. Why? Because I am a registered Republican? Because she doesn't have an answer?
What is the proper move for those House GOP members?
Double Irony. I believe those Republican Congresscritters in the House sincerely believe that the large flow of illegal immigrants (border jumpers) is a threat to this nation. They feel the President should prioritize the security of our Southern Border. And, Ukraine is what little leverage they have over the President.
The Double Irony is that if we had, I believe, conducted a serious Marshall Plan in Latin America, we might not have the economic migration of millions of people from Latin America. That said, I can not explain the thousands of Chinese coming across our Southern Border. What is that about? Is it Chinese men looking for a larger pool of possible wives, thanks to Mao?
The idea that the "bipartisan" immigration bill floated in the US Senate is a solution is a fiction being peddled for campaign purposes. No Wall until 2028? Why the delay? The trigger number for applying restrictions is 1.82 million people. That is a lot of people. And it doesn't count the "got aways".
I remember, back in the Spring of 1957, Leo Carrillo coming to Pan American Park in Lakewood, California, for Bancroft Junior High School's Pan-American Day. In his speech he pleaded that we stop pouring money down the sewers of Europe and Asia and invest in Latin American. No one listened to him then and here we are today. Remember that before he was Pancho he had been a newspaper opinion cartoonist and beyond that an environmentalist with a State Park down near San Diego named after him. "Let's went!"
I did read your initial note BUT
If immigration is that bad, isn’t any move an improvement? If things mean shutting down everything to get a deal, you would rather to have no deal? No deal better?
Yes, it is bad but no one ever gets 100% so take a step forward to address it. They do not understand politics if they think they will get a better one.
But they had a deal on the border that a conservative Republican negotiated so why did they reject it? Sorry but I don’t buy it. Truth is they are anti everything.
As I tried to say, it was a dubious deal. Delay in building the wall and 1.82 million illegal immigrants a year. That is a lot of folks. Up here in Massachusetts it is having a big impact. We run out of SNAP (food stamps) benefits in May, a month and a half short, as we cope with the homeless and our share of illegal immigrants. I hope the General Court can cough up the extra money.
Don't get me wrong. I want us to give Ukraine the needed money. Now. But, I understand, at some level, that the Republicans in the House feel they have few tools to get the border fixed and the supposed bi-partisan Senate Bill does not do it, as I wrote to my Senior Senator, but she hasn't written back to me. Why? Because I am a registered Republican? Because she doesn't have an answer?
What is the proper move for those House GOP members?
It is a bad situation.
Double Irony. I believe those Republican Congresscritters in the House sincerely believe that the large flow of illegal immigrants (border jumpers) is a threat to this nation. They feel the President should prioritize the security of our Southern Border. And, Ukraine is what little leverage they have over the President.
The Double Irony is that if we had, I believe, conducted a serious Marshall Plan in Latin America, we might not have the economic migration of millions of people from Latin America. That said, I can not explain the thousands of Chinese coming across our Southern Border. What is that about? Is it Chinese men looking for a larger pool of possible wives, thanks to Mao?
The idea that the "bipartisan" immigration bill floated in the US Senate is a solution is a fiction being peddled for campaign purposes. No Wall until 2028? Why the delay? The trigger number for applying restrictions is 1.82 million people. That is a lot of people. And it doesn't count the "got aways".
I remember, back in the Spring of 1957, Leo Carrillo coming to Pan American Park in Lakewood, California, for Bancroft Junior High School's Pan-American Day. In his speech he pleaded that we stop pouring money down the sewers of Europe and Asia and invest in Latin American. No one listened to him then and here we are today. Remember that before he was Pancho he had been a newspaper opinion cartoonist and beyond that an environmentalist with a State Park down near San Diego named after him. "Let's went!"
Double Irony.
Cheers -- Cliff