Jim, I agree with some of what you say (use of the song is perfect. Thanks for the spyranscription). I don’t agree with the characterization of the ‘left wing media’. There are ELEMENTS in the media all over the metaphoric spectrum in so it just strikes me as a false accusation. I also think the piece in weekend’s WaPo, hardly left for anything these days, that noted the extremely rapid deterioration people noticed with pin the past few months in Biden. Trump has made COUNTLESS nonsensical statements but few, even his worst opponents, ask him to drop out. We are caught in a reality TV show which no one wants to turn off.
Interesting perspective. I try to stay out of political discussions because people are so divided these days. No matter how factually-based the discussion is, emotion will overtake the dialog. But, since that door is open, I'll just provide these thoughts. Just to prove I did listen in NWC... our favorite dead German, Carl Von C said: "War is a mere continuation of policy by other means..." My derivative of that is: "Politics is strategic chess being played on the world stage." Not nearly as profound but...
At the chance of being proven wrong, Obama started this by not supporting his VP as his pick to replace him once his term was up. Instead, he chose to support Hillary Clinton against Trump. No one thought Trump would win that contest (probably including Trump) and the Dems put forth little effort assuming it was a cake-walk. Had Trump lost...I doubt he'd have ever run again. His ego wouldn't allow it. Had Biden been the nominee and had he won....he'd most likely be finishing up his 2nd term right now which would have been perfect given his health decline. We'd have two presumably "fresh" and younger faces for both parties going head -to-head. How satisfying would that be?!
I'm not sure if was a posting you had or a news article I read but it was about France and the difference in how the population there views politics and political battles. I may have this wrong...but... the gist of it was, they are less concerned about the figure-head leader of any given party. Instead, they focus on the policies and platforms of the parties and what they stand for, what they intend to do, etc. Their elections are less about the person and more about the Party. So to your points about Trump's failings as a decent human being, my feeling is that many Republicans are less interested in him as the figure-head leader of the Republican party and more interested in the policies and programs the Party is pushing. Republicans wish they had a more "Presidential" candidate who displayed civility and had a modicum of decency and restraint...but they don't. Democrats wish they had a vibrant and fully-cognitive candidate who could last the next 4 years...but they don't. So we're all left with trying to make a crap sandwich taste like prime-rib.
Clearly Republican and Democratic approaches to a wide range of issues are 180 degrees out from each other with very little common ground. Add to that the deep divisions within the Congress, a lame-duck President (if Biden or Trump win) and it's a cocktail for 4 years of zero movement on most everything. With all we have happening in the world (and Nation)... we really can't stand for a stand-still for 4 more years. Sad.
I'm reminded of that hit song of 1973 by Steeler's Wheel: "Stuck in the Middle With You" The song starts with:
Well I don't know why I came here tonight
I've got the feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs
Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you
Pretty much how many of us feel about now. Don't get me started on the mess the White House has caused w/ the lack of transparency. And it only took 3 years for the left-leaning media to figure out they were getting the wool pulled over their eyes. Even though they're way-late to the party, the media is right to be upset, challenging and puffed-up. The American people should be as well. Here's my prediction as to how the media is working out the headline options right now:
If Biden sticks it out and goes into the election as the Democratic nominee...and loses...he'll be lambasted by the media and Democratic party as a self-centered egomaniac only concerned with remaining in power at the expense of democracy and the Nation.
If he wins...he'll be boasted by the media and the Democratic party as a savior of the United States against all odds and the last defender of democracy.
If he resigns voluntarily, the media will tout his brave, heroic and historic actions at great self-sacrifice for the good of the Nation; thank him for his years of self-less service and wish him and his family well as they fade into history.
I'm betting all three stories are currently being written and just waiting to be published. It's a mess and from a strategic chess game perspective, the Democratic party have themselves to thank for getting painted into this corner. They didn't read the board correctly and severely underestimated not only their opponent...but also their own player. No matter what happens, they're going to have paint on them before it's over.
Jim, I agree with some of what you say (use of the song is perfect. Thanks for the spyranscription). I don’t agree with the characterization of the ‘left wing media’. There are ELEMENTS in the media all over the metaphoric spectrum in so it just strikes me as a false accusation. I also think the piece in weekend’s WaPo, hardly left for anything these days, that noted the extremely rapid deterioration people noticed with pin the past few months in Biden. Trump has made COUNTLESS nonsensical statements but few, even his worst opponents, ask him to drop out. We are caught in a reality TV show which no one wants to turn off.
Interesting perspective. I try to stay out of political discussions because people are so divided these days. No matter how factually-based the discussion is, emotion will overtake the dialog. But, since that door is open, I'll just provide these thoughts. Just to prove I did listen in NWC... our favorite dead German, Carl Von C said: "War is a mere continuation of policy by other means..." My derivative of that is: "Politics is strategic chess being played on the world stage." Not nearly as profound but...
At the chance of being proven wrong, Obama started this by not supporting his VP as his pick to replace him once his term was up. Instead, he chose to support Hillary Clinton against Trump. No one thought Trump would win that contest (probably including Trump) and the Dems put forth little effort assuming it was a cake-walk. Had Trump lost...I doubt he'd have ever run again. His ego wouldn't allow it. Had Biden been the nominee and had he won....he'd most likely be finishing up his 2nd term right now which would have been perfect given his health decline. We'd have two presumably "fresh" and younger faces for both parties going head -to-head. How satisfying would that be?!
I'm not sure if was a posting you had or a news article I read but it was about France and the difference in how the population there views politics and political battles. I may have this wrong...but... the gist of it was, they are less concerned about the figure-head leader of any given party. Instead, they focus on the policies and platforms of the parties and what they stand for, what they intend to do, etc. Their elections are less about the person and more about the Party. So to your points about Trump's failings as a decent human being, my feeling is that many Republicans are less interested in him as the figure-head leader of the Republican party and more interested in the policies and programs the Party is pushing. Republicans wish they had a more "Presidential" candidate who displayed civility and had a modicum of decency and restraint...but they don't. Democrats wish they had a vibrant and fully-cognitive candidate who could last the next 4 years...but they don't. So we're all left with trying to make a crap sandwich taste like prime-rib.
Clearly Republican and Democratic approaches to a wide range of issues are 180 degrees out from each other with very little common ground. Add to that the deep divisions within the Congress, a lame-duck President (if Biden or Trump win) and it's a cocktail for 4 years of zero movement on most everything. With all we have happening in the world (and Nation)... we really can't stand for a stand-still for 4 more years. Sad.
I'm reminded of that hit song of 1973 by Steeler's Wheel: "Stuck in the Middle With You" The song starts with:
Well I don't know why I came here tonight
I've got the feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs
Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you
Pretty much how many of us feel about now. Don't get me started on the mess the White House has caused w/ the lack of transparency. And it only took 3 years for the left-leaning media to figure out they were getting the wool pulled over their eyes. Even though they're way-late to the party, the media is right to be upset, challenging and puffed-up. The American people should be as well. Here's my prediction as to how the media is working out the headline options right now:
If Biden sticks it out and goes into the election as the Democratic nominee...and loses...he'll be lambasted by the media and Democratic party as a self-centered egomaniac only concerned with remaining in power at the expense of democracy and the Nation.
If he wins...he'll be boasted by the media and the Democratic party as a savior of the United States against all odds and the last defender of democracy.
If he resigns voluntarily, the media will tout his brave, heroic and historic actions at great self-sacrifice for the good of the Nation; thank him for his years of self-less service and wish him and his family well as they fade into history.
I'm betting all three stories are currently being written and just waiting to be published. It's a mess and from a strategic chess game perspective, the Democratic party have themselves to thank for getting painted into this corner. They didn't read the board correctly and severely underestimated not only their opponent...but also their own player. No matter what happens, they're going to have paint on them before it's over.