Sitemap - 2024 - Actions create consequences

coherence is tres hard

the Severn and Spa Creek dump

accomplishment or competition?

Taiwan's location

smoothered and dropped

Who Americans are

Chad and Niger

Evidence matters: Gi-normous or small

Not having a baby

Yes, well


no, they don't...

But they seemed right

chocolate and subsidence

explanations and thoughts

agility and risks

agility versus protectionism

consequences and colour


Seeing into the future


April memories

religious nationalism

Dr. Google to the rescue

ever think about the neighbours?

conflating questions

Meaning to versus doing something

In praise of learning


Israel's security

History and irony

we benefit from processes

i can't learn enough


Assumptions redux

diversity and freedom

think about this

On the Chinese Navy

that infrastructure thing

now for the hard part

bringing back the geezers

civil society win?

the eyes off the prize

'most inspiring four star speech'

Putin and Kim

accountability again

Anti-democratic trends

Paying it forward

First responders

TikTok TikTok


habits rule our lives

Actions and consequences

a wrist here or a sweater there

from the DR to the Indo-Pacific

Covid benies

'shock therapy'

a never ending list

ubiquitous surrender

Sneeze and whimper

rule of law

duties versus choices

Shenyang's experience

PRC economic woes

common bases for so many things

forthright compassion

open-minded because…?

CCP accountability and survivability

degrees and majors

trade offs in security?

who says we care?

testing assumptions

binary thinking and straight lining

Now and then

rain in California

'the' senior service

Midway magic

quivering norms

double jeopardy?

self fulfilling prophesies

cholera in africa

Poland and NATO

booking versus accounting

elections create surprises

if you start with yang, wait for the yin

world affairs councils

Legitimacy rising or falling

World affairs in st. Petersburg

borders and Texas

Sunday splendour

that country affecting us

THE country most affecting us day in and day out

the taxpayers deserve

less friendly be gone

hearts attacks and suicides

that old credibility question


Experts and experts

War college 13 years later


measles resurgent

Vessels and physics

What can I do?


Slow down, you often move too fast



Completed versus exploring

Unintended effects

a candle in the wind

Missing the point

Assumptions and contexts rule!

Scattering to the four winds

A blessing

ISB and me

Day of contrasts

Further on ‘in search’

In search of

You say Siam, Rama IV says Thailand

Bangkok, quick take

Pursuing those national interests

'it can't get any worse'

drill, baby, drill

a response on details

Grandiose or daily?